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Blankets are a Girl’s Bestfriend…

Wow, I got a lot accomplished today!  The most important task checked off my to-do list was a much needed mid-morning nap.  I pulled a blanket from the dryer, one that I salvaged from my home after the fire, and amazingly there was no smoke smell!  I was sooooo happy, I felt like I had found $100 in the dryer instead of a linty old blanket.  For a long while I snuggled in front of the TV, watching a little FIBA,  looking like Linus from the Peanuts.   I love, love, love blankets.  I have them everywhere because I’m cold natured but after the fire I could only get this particular one clean enough to use again.  I wrapped part of the blanket over my bare feet and let one corner hang loosely over my nose so I could  breathe in the smell of Gain fabric softener.   For the first time in 5 weeks, as the coolness of the AC and the warmth of my blankey mixed to comfort me, tears filled the rims of my eyes and I actually had an ahhhh moment.  Yep, an ahhhh moment.  That’s the split second when your shoulders relax, your mind is at ease, and the corner of your mouth forms a smile for no obvious reason.  So why get teary eyed over my little golden-yellow blanket?  It’s actually quite simple.  When everything has changed, my surroundings are strange, tomorrow is iffy at best and everyday life is a little “extra”, my blanket feels like home.  And home is good…

Much love, respect and prayer for victims of true disasters! 


  1. PaRtYrOcKa
    September 10, 2010 at 10:55 AM

    It’s also good to share your blanket 🙂

  2. September 10, 2010 at 1:58 PM

    Glad you were able to save at least ‘one’ of your blankets and yes, much love, respect and prayer for victims of true disasters!

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